We will start teaching you how to 
build a seven-figure business in...

We will start teaching
 you how to build 
seven-figure business in...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
It's time for you to believe 
in yourself as much as you believe in your students.
It's time for you to believe 
in yourself as much as you believe in your students.
Join my FREE 7-FigurED™ Business School 
March 3rd-7th
Join my FREE 
7-FigurED™ Business School
March 3rd - 7th
to learn how  to grow a 
7-Figure Education Consulting Business 
(you don’t even have to leave your 9 to 5)! 
to learn how  to grow a 
7-Figure Education Consulting Business (you don’t even have to leave your 9 to 5)! 
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Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas is a former teacher and principal turned full time education consultant and entrepreneur running a 7-figure business. She has helped over 400 educators grow their education consulting business to six figure years and quarters…

Learn how during this 5-day 7-FigurED™ Business School! 

Six years ago, I was a school principal making about ~$70k per year. If you would have told me I would be running a million dollar business I wouldn’t have believed you. The first step to believing it was possible was getting proximate to someone who was doing it to be exposed to the possibility of more. 

This is the exact opportunity I am offering you during my 5-Day 7-FigurED™ Business School! And here’s what I know, once you’ve been exposed you can’t be unexposed. 

Right now you believe:

Right now you believe:

  • Money is hard and moves really sloooooowwwwwwww 
  • What you do is no big deal so why should anyone be willing to pay you for it  
  • $100 per hour is a LOT of money (spoiler alert…it’s peanuts and I won’t allow you to charge peanuts)
  • ​More in your students than you do yourself 
  • Talking about yourself or your business is salesy 
  • ​Building a 7-figure business is for the good ole boys that don’t look like you 
  • Money is hard and moves really sloooooowwwwwwww 
  • What you do is no big deal so why should anyone be willing to pay you for it  
  • $100 per hour is a LOT of money (spoiler alert…it’s peanuts and I won’t allow you to charge peanuts)
  • ​More in your students than you do yourself 
  • Talking about yourself or your business is salesy 
  • ​Building a 7-figure business is for the good ole boys that don’t look like you 

All of these beliefs are costing you money and hold your back from your freedom. If you are just a little bit open to believing something different, then…

All of these beliefs are costing you money and hold your back from your freedom. If you are just a little bit open to believing something different, then…

my 7-FigurED™ Business School is for you. 

my 7-FigurED™ Business School is for you. 

My 7-FigurED™ Business School is free because I want to remove all the excuses 
you may have to not show up for yourself and those 7-figure dreams 
you haven’t shared in the teacher’s lounge.

I am bring my BEST content during these 5-days that my goal is that you MAKE MONEY before the 5 days is over! But it’s only possible if you commit to showing up each day and following the steps I share with you. 

My 7-FigurED™ Business School is free because I want to remove all the excuses you may have to not show up for yourself and those 7-figure dreams you haven’t shared in the teacher’s lounge.

I am bring my BEST content during these 5-days that my goal is that you MAKE MONEY before the 5 days is over! But it’s only possible if you commit to showing up each day and following the steps I share with you. 

Here’s what you will learn during the 
5-Day 7-FigurED™ Business School:

March 3rd - March 7th

Here’s what you will learn during the 5-Day  
7-FigurED™ Business School:

March 3rd - March 7th

Day 1  

 Psychology of a Millionaire 

Only 2% of businesses cross the million dollar mark (including my own :-)). 7-figure business owners achieve the 2% possibility because they think differently. I will teach you exactly how they think so you can start adopting those habits and beliefs from Day 1. 

You will learn: 

  • Why believing you must work “twice as hard” is blocking your 7-figures 
  • What millionaires focus on instead of price 
  • The millionaire’s cheat code to generating 7-figures over and over again 
  • ​The biggest misconception among aspiring millionaires 

Day 1  

 Psychology of a Millionaire 

Only 2% of businesses cross the million dollar mark (including my own :-)). 7-figure business owners achieve the 2% possibility because they think differently. I will teach you exactly how they think so you can start adopting those habits and beliefs from Day 1. 

You will learn: 

  • Why believing you must work “twice as hard” is blocking your 7-figures 
  • What millionaires focus on instead of price 
  • The millionaire’s cheat code to generating 7-figures over and over again 
  • ​The biggest misconception among aspiring millionaires 

Day 2  

Identifying your Million Dollar Problem 

As educators we are conditioned to solve LOTS of problems and moving with the same solving all the problems energy in your business will cause you to LOSE money. The road to 7-figures is about picking one Million Dollar Problem to solve in your business.  

You will learn: 

  • The #1 mistake that keeps 6-figure business owners stuck and dependent on referrals 
  • The four types of problems you could be solving in your business and which one is your Million Dollar Problem 
  • ​The two motivators that influence your clients to buy and the one that resonates with 80% of your clients 

Day 2  

Identifying your Million Dollar Problem 

As educators we are conditioned to solve LOTS of problems and moving with the same solving all the problems energy in your business will cause you to LOSE money. The road to 7-figures is about picking one Million Dollar Problem to solve in your business.  

You will learn: 

  • The #1 mistake that keeps 6-figure business owners stuck and dependent on referrals 
  • The four types of problems you could be solving in your business and which one is your Million Dollar Problem 
  • ​The two motivators that influence your clients to buy and the one that resonates with 80% of your clients 

Day 3  

Packaging Profitable Offers

The question I am asked most frequently is how much should I charge. I am going to answer it on Day 3 and the answer might snatch your wig. (And in case you were wondering the answer ain’t $100 an hour!)

You will learn:

  • The three types of offers you would have in your business and price ranges of each 
  • Why I discourage 1-on-1 coaching as your signature service 
  • The art of upselling and downselling that will have you scooping up the money others are leaving on the table 

Day 3  

Packaging Profitable Offers

The question I am asked most frequently is how much should I charge. I am going to answer it on Day 3 and the answer might snatch your wig. (And in case you were wondering the answer ain’t $100 an hour!)

You will learn:

  • The three types of offers you would have in your business and price ranges of each 
  • Why I discourage 1-on-1 coaching as your signature service 
  • The art of upselling and downselling that will have you scooping up the money others are leaving on the table 

Day 4   

Million Dollar Sales that aren't Salesy 

There is someone in your network who is willing to pay you today, that just doesn't know your business exists. During this session, I will teach you how to find them. 

You will learn: 

  • Three types of leads and which one to purse right now 
  • Three strategies to identify your next client within the next 30 days 

Day 4   

Million Dollar Sales that aren't Salesy 

There is someone in your network who is willing to pay you today, that just doesn't know your business exists. During this session, I will teach you how to find them. 

You will learn: 

  • Three types of leads and which one to purse right now 
  • Three strategies to identify your next client within the next 30 days 

Day 5  

Mining Your Million Dollar Network 

In order to have a business you have to sell…PERIOD. And there is a way to do it that isn’t salesy and that’s exactly what I will teach you. 

You will learn:

  • The four stages of a 7-figure sales process 
  • The four numbers that if you know will allow you to predict your sales 
  • The biggest mistake you are making at conferences that is leaving money on the table 

Day 5  

Mining Your Million Dollar Network 

In order to have a business you have to sell…PERIOD. And there is a way to do it that isn’t salesy and that’s exactly what I will teach you. 

You will learn:

  • The four stages of a 7-figure sales process 
  • The four numbers that if you know will allow you to predict your sales 
  • The biggest mistake you are making at conferences that is leaving money on the table 

If anyone deserves to be a millionaire

Here’s how the 5-Day 7-FigurED™ Business School Works…

After registering, you’ll get across to a private Facebook group where I’ll personally be teaching the strategies I’ve used and taught my clients to grow their profitable education consulting businesses. 
Day 1 of 5-Day 7-FigurED™ Business School is Monday, March 3rd at 7pm EST. 

Each day I will be sharing with you clear action steps in the form of homework to complete before the next day to drive your business forward and generate more revenue in your business. This is going to be soooo good!! 

Here’s how the 5-Day
 7-FigurED™ Business School Works…

After registering, you’ll get across to a private Facebook group where I’ll personally be teaching the strategies I’ve used and taught my clients to grow their profitable education consulting businesses. 
Day 1 of 5-Day 7-FigurED Business School is Monday, March 3rd at 7pm EST. 

Each day I will be sharing with you clear action steps in the form of homework to complete before the next day to drive your business forward and generate more revenue in your business. This is going to be soooo good!! 

Hi, I am Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas!

Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas is Founder and CEO, EJT Consulting LLC established in October 2017 while she served as a middle school principal. Within 8 months of launching her education consulting business, she paid off $15,000 of credit card debit and established three months of savings. Fast forward to today, she leads a team of five, including 3 employees. Her business has generated over a million dollars and has hit six-figures in a year, quarter and month. She has helped over 400 educators across the country grow their own education consulting business and secure 4-, 5-, and 6-figure contractors.

Erica began her career in education teaching high school math in Charlotte, North Carolina. She went on to serve as an assistant principal and middle school principal in Charlotte, North Carolina. Under her leadership as principal, she implemented equitable practices such as restorative practices, school-wide implementation of the International Baccalaureate program, and an extended day high school credit program that increased high school credit options. Consequently, her school grew to be ranked #2 out of 43 middle schools in the district for their growth in English language arts and #3 in the district for their growth in science.

Erica is a proud alumna of The Ohio State University with a Bachelor’s in Textiles and Clothing. She holds a Master’s degree in Instructional Leadership from Relay Graduate School of Education and doctorate in education leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Check out what some of our attendees say 
about our work together…
Check out what some of my clients say about our work together…

"Not only do you get 
curriculum support, but you get support from Dr. EJT and 
the coaches to support you."

- Lisa 

"I am so happy that I joined the Get LaunchED Consulting™ Community!"

- Kayla

"My first contract set the tone for me and my money mindset."

- Jessica
Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas OVER delivered in the 7-Figured Business School experience! Each night was jam-packed with all the content I didn't know I needed (and more). I came away empowered with actual next steps to implement. An unexpected bonus was the challenge to traditional mindsets about educators, their expertise, and money. There are no (financial) limits to where your knowledge can take you. By day two, I was fully convinced in my ability to shift my existing skills, talents, and ideas into a wealthier place. This is one experience you do not want to miss! Thanks, EJT! 
- Karen
There are no words to describe the 8 days spent with Dr. EJT! She brings the black girl magic and big sis realness to every thing she does. Staying true to her core values allows her trainings to be a big family reunion and you can’t help but enjoy yourself, learn, and make new connections. I learned so much for free in the B school that it was a no brainer about joining the academy. But that’s everything EJT does! What I appreciated the most was her earning our trust before selling anything, which is atypical in this day and age. She also engaged with us in the group every night so she didn’t leave us to our own devices. And did I mention that she did Not gatekeep. You can tell she knows what she’s doing and her openness and transparency backed it up. 

- Jasmin

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the 5-Day 7-FigurED™ Business School?

The 5-Day 7-FigurED Business School will be held Monday, March 3rd through Friday, March 7th. Dr. EJT will be teaching live each day in the private Facebook group starting at 7pm EST. 

Is the 5-Day 7-FigurED™ Business School free?

Yes, the 5-Day 7-FigurED Business School is totally free. I just ask that you make the commitment to show up and execute what I teach you. I promise you won’t regret it.

Is the 5-Day 7-FigurED™ Business School live or pre-recorded?

Dr. EJT will be teaching live each day of 5-Day 7-FigurED Business School which will stream live into the private Facebook group. If you are a VIP ticket holder, you will receive access to the Zoom link to join the Zoom room with Dr. EJT. 

How do I get VIP status?

Upon registering, you will have the opportunity to upgrade to a VIP ticket which includes Zoom access during 5-Day 7-FigurED Business School, daily hot seats with Dr. EJT to have the chance to receive direct coaching on your business, and the 5-Day 7-FigurED™ Business School workbook to capture all of your learning. 

What if I don’t have an education consulting business yet, is this for me?

That is even more of a reason why you need to attend. Attending 5-Day 7-FigurED™ Business School will expedite your progress in your business. 

What if I can’t attend the live sessions?

Replays of the daily sessions will be available in the private Facebook group until 9am EST Saturday, March 8th (at which point they will be removed). If you can not attend the session live, register anyway and schedule time to watch the sessions prior to 9am EST Saturday, March 8th.
See what some of my clients say 
about our work together…
See what some of my clients say about our work together…
The 7-FigurED™ Business School lit a fire under my pants. It got me hot and ready to put in the work. I'd been thinking about proposal writing and consulting for my business' pivot, and then school came at the right time. I needed this information because I wasn't familiar with this business model. It was all new to me. So I scheduled my days around the school's live sessions because I knew I couldn't miss any after the first day. The expertise and care put into the presentations were stellar. It shows how much Dr. EJT knows about this subject and her passion for helping others succeed. I highly recommend this program to anyone creating a consulting business. 
- Dawn
This experience put so much fire under my butt to get back in the groove! Although I did GLC (cycle 6), I had to pivot into a different industry. I was afraid of starting over, but BSchool reminded me that I had the tools, network and skills to thrive in this industry as well! Since then, I’ve gotten even more clarity on how to move AND I’m leveraging my network to get things done. I highly recommend!! 
- Candy

"My greatest win is not the money, but the belief that I have it within me to generate revenue consistently and change my life."

- Deborah

"To someone who is considering doing this program, what are you waiting for? The time is now."

- Sable

"It has been one of the most best experiences of my professional career."

- Marie
©2025 EJT Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved.  
©2025 EJT Consulting, LLC. 
All rights reserved.